Tuesday, November 6, 2007

DAY 11

Yesterday - 217lbs.
Today - 216lbs.

Whew! 1 pound lost **happy dance**.

Ok, I'm through dancing. So while I was at that Publix yesterday I grabbed some pickles. I mean, it's really a cucumber right? Anyways I also saw these tiny pickle packs. They are the perfect snack for me to take along when I need something salty to eat (since I can't eat Gardetto's for the time being) other than my usual apple. I count them as one of my vegetables. And here's the kicker. The label says zero calories! Hah. Riiigggghhht. Of course what that means is, "we paid off some people in order to say zero if it's less than a certain amount of calories." But seriously, still, cucumbers are very very low in calories to begin with and I know most of the sodium is in the juice, which I don't drink. I ate these and still lost my pound.

I sliced my steak horizontal, so now it looks like I have two steaks.
=). It's a psychological thing I guess. I cooked the asparagus in beeth broth and it was surprisingly good. I'm trying to diversify my veggies but on this protocol I know most of my nutrients and micronutrients are coming from the fat cells, so I'm like, why bother? **cause you're going to want to eat a good variety of vegetables after the protocol is over** (Shut up conscience!).

Another thing. I was either going to stop phase 2 before thanksgiving if I got below 200 or just stick it out if I don't. BUT NOW my parents are thinking, hey let's go to Florida for thanksgiving and lets go for the whole week. Drats! So I'm looking in the manuscript cause I know I read something about this and I found this:

"If an interruption of treatment lasting more than four days is necessary, the patient must increase his diet to at least 800 Calories by adding meat, eggs, cheese, and milk to his diet after the third day, as otherwise he will find himself so hungry and weak that he is unable to go about his usual occupation. If the interval lasts less than two weeks the patient can directly resume injections and the 500-Calorie diet, but if the interruption lasts longer he must again eat normally until he has had his third injection ... Interruptions occurring before 20 effective injections are most undesirable, because with less than that number of injections some weight is liable to be regained. After the 20th injection an unavoidable interruption is merely a loss of time..." (Simeons, Pounds & Inches)

Sooooooo what that means is I'll be able to do Thanksgiving after all without 'giving myself away'. *sigh* Now... the only thing I have to worry about is saying know to stuffing =(


cherylk said...

Hey BB!

It sounds like many people are figuring out a way to enjoy Thanksgiving! I don't see a problem with it. An interruption is all it is, and you can get right back on track afterwards.

Congrats on the 1 pound loss! That's awesome. You're doing fantastic! And I like all the pictures, too. I keep forgetting to try pickles, but I love them!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog -- love it, and all the pics!! You are so cute :)

I keep forgetting about pickles, too -- I like the idea of "portable pickle paks" -- fun to say, too. I'd like to link to your blog from mine, if that's OK.