Sunday, February 3, 2008

R2 Day 1-2 (Loading days)

Day 1 - 214
Day 2- 213

Awesome. I lost a pound. I loaded pretty well the first day. Then pretty well this morning. But afterwards, I didn't feel all that hungry. This is what happened to me last time. Knowing now how important it is to do a proper load, I tried to eat as less volume of as much fattening foods. Sooooooo.... I ate a stick of butter! OKay okay that sounds gross but I didn't literally shove a raw stick of butter down my throat. But what I did was melt half a stick with honey in the microwave, added a splash or two of milk whipped it then chugged it down. It was actually pretty good. I imagine that's what butterbeer would've tasted like, for those of you into Harry Potter. Made my inside warm and fuzzy. then after that I added the rest of the stick on a yam (along with brown sugar) then ate the whole thing sans the skin. Now that I think about it I had 1/4 stick of butter this morning on my pancakes... so yeah I had over a stick of butter today. I also had a few pancakes jam/toast, chicken n rice, milk, and I think I'll go take a few shots of condensed milk after I'm done, then I'll -really- be done.

I have to admit though I've gotten a slight headache after eating that yam, watching it do backstrokes in the pool of butter. I know I'm going to feel like crap this week.

For my VLCD tomorrow I put some chicken breasts, sliced celery, and seasoning in a crock pot that I'll take for lunch tomorrow. I'm at that point where I can look and see how much chicken I need to take and eat. Oh! I almost forgot my water. It's been awhile. hehe. Well, that's all I can think of for now.


BizBuzz said...

Welcome back to P2!

beachbrights said...

Yea, the butter sounds gross, Ha!

I second Biz....welcome back!