Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And the beat goes on...

Well, it's that time again. I just ordered my batch of supplies that I'll need for Phase 2 round deux! That's french for two by the way. And I have to admit my diet before hasn't changed one bit, although I do eat more cottage cheese and salads (thanks to P2 habits). I've also been mantaning at my new weight of 209 pounds. Yes it's 5 pounds over my LIW but technically it worked, as I've been eating what I want and still maintaining. I just wasn't a very good P3 person which upped my weightset point. Oh well, that'll change very soon. I have to kiss P4 goodbye for the time being =( but there's always loading to look forward to. And I'm going to do it justice this time around! OOOOOOOh I got myself all excited I need to simmer down now.


Unknown said...

Hey, BB, welcome back! Glad you're getting ready to start again, and holding your weight steady despite some adventurous eating. 35 pounds is a 'bodacious' goal, but it's doable if everything works out right for 40 days...but any loss is a good day, eh? Good luck!


beachbrights said...

Glad you're back and congrats on the weight. 5 pounds over LIW is totally respectable! Keep us posted and don't be a stranger...I enjoy reading your writing, always so witty!

BizBuzz said...

WOO HOO BB IS BACK!!! I am loving it, people are slowing getting back into the blogging grove!

I have done some research to different clinics and all of them say you can expect to settle around a 5 - 7 above for maintenance. Interesting eh?

So do you have a start date in mind?

maryg911 said...

Wow, only 5 lbs over LIW, that's impressive, I went a whole 10 and now I'm paying for it. Mmmmm, cottage cheese and pineapple chunks was my favorite on P3, then I sprinkled some cinnamon on it, yikes, it was to die for!! Course, that was just me, but I so enjoyed it. Yes, simmer down now!!