Monday, January 28, 2008

Uncharted Territory

Well. I ordered my supplies last Tuesday from GPZ services like the other time, and my order came in that Friday. I love GPZ services, did I mention that? Anyways the only things I didn't buy were the loading needles since I bought those last time and have some left over. It was cheaper this time around. $38 dollars (including shipping) for a 50 day round.

My plan was to start P2 on Feb 1, but my parents' friends want to go out to eat next wekend, you know, do something together. So me thinks I'll wait next weekend. I don't mind waiting a few days... I hope.

Hehe, I've been engaging in more "preload" outings. I guess I'm trying to get it out of my system. Gained a nice 3 pounds because of it, but it's going down. It truly is a strange thing to see the number go down as I stop eating junk food. It's like my body is more responsive to not only what I eat but what I don't eat. Does that make any sense? Maybe I just want to see that, but whatever the case may be, the point I'm trying to make is if for some reason I were to gain a reasonable amount of weight back I imagine it would take a lot less fitness/diet strategies to reach my LIW. Just a theory.

Oh and here are my inspiration pants I bought right before I started P2. They're a size 12. Not my ultimate size goal (which is an 8), but they were on clearance at Walmart for $5. I like 'em.

Another thing I noticed after I bought the jeans... the brand name: Uncharted Territory. For some reason the name strikes a powerful chord in me. It's as if you're driving alone in your car one day, maybe feeling a little depressed, and a thousand trivial but nonetheless stressful thoughts are running in an' out of your head. Then catching you off guard a song plays on the radio, giving you weird vibes because the lyrics seems to dictate your life to the letter. It freaks you out at first, yet you can't help but feel like everything's going to be all right. That's what the brand name does for me. Maybe it's symbolic to the hcg. Perhaps to this whole experience being on the protocol. Uncharted Territory.

Well, I don't want to make this too long as I have to research a debate I'm doing tomorrow (should we place a monetary value on nature as a way of teaching people the value of our natural world... just in case you wanted to know what I was debating about... and I'm debating against it)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And the beat goes on...

Well, it's that time again. I just ordered my batch of supplies that I'll need for Phase 2 round deux! That's french for two by the way. And I have to admit my diet before hasn't changed one bit, although I do eat more cottage cheese and salads (thanks to P2 habits). I've also been mantaning at my new weight of 209 pounds. Yes it's 5 pounds over my LIW but technically it worked, as I've been eating what I want and still maintaining. I just wasn't a very good P3 person which upped my weightset point. Oh well, that'll change very soon. I have to kiss P4 goodbye for the time being =( but there's always loading to look forward to. And I'm going to do it justice this time around! OOOOOOOh I got myself all excited I need to simmer down now.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Phase 3 Days 18-33

Wow. It's been a while. I've been putting off blogging but now that school's back it's been a little more hectic. Especially the time I wanted to devote to writing out all my experiences in the past two weeks.

Technically I don't think I'm in Phase 3 anymore. I guess I'm in what you call the "unofficial" phase 4. I say unofficial because technically I still have a few rounds of Phase 2 to do. Admittedly I haven't been paying attention to my carbs. In fact, I've been eating out and not really paying attention to my diet this round. Now I can see you pointing your finger at me, but let me tell you. I'm only 3 pounds over my allowed weight range. And if this was any other fad diet, I would be more like 10-15 pounds over. I haven't been gaining during phase 4, and I did eat fast food and sugars. BUT! It's not exactly combo meals and supersizing. More like a cheeseburger or a chicken sandwich from the dollar menu. And sometimes I may gain half a pound the next day, but I would always lose it the following day. I haven't been eating huge meals so much as I've been grazing. I think it's a phase 2 habit. I see what it's meant though by eating absolutely no sugars or starch for P3. When P4 came around my weight seemed to stabilize to the new 3 or so pounds I acquired during P3.

I haven't been on the yahoo group in a loooong time. Honestly I find people's blogs to be the most inspiring. And did I mention less drama oriented? =p

This is all good and well for right now, but I guess the real test will be in the long run. I can officially start round 2 phase 2 on January 26. This means I need to reorder my hcg supplies. This time I think I'll try 125IU's. Last time I did 150IU but if I can get away with 125 it might prove to be the better dose for me. Don't know how excited I am to start though. My goal for round 2 is to get to 175, which means I'll need to lose 35 pounds. Last round I lost 27+ so I think I can pull it off. I will be really excited to lose this round. It'll really show (or at least it should) as the percentage of weightloss will be 50% higher if I meet my goal. So everyone cross their fingers, now!