Sunday, April 6, 2008

1 down, 9 to go.


maryg911 said...

I hear ya on those crackers, I bought some in light rye. They kinda remind me of a rice cake. Good for you on your progress, keep us updated!!

Thanks for the tip on the Thermos, I found a soup thermos that came in a lunch box I bought for my daughter when she was much younger. My vial fits perfectly in it and if I forget to put it away, its not a problem, it will stay extremely cold. Thanks again for your genius idea!! Wish I'd thought of it!!

The Hopeful Cynic said...


Hang in there.

xo Hazel

Becca said...

Hey you're looking good. Thanks for the tip on the crackers. I usually use grissini but I'll have to give 'em a try...
I started injections on Saturday and my first VLCD is tomorrow! I've been cooking all day long...

beachbrights said...

WTG, girl! That's how it is done. Great numbers....

Love the pictures-

Burcu J said...

Hey Girl,
I will try that bread next time. I am 211 and started today. Congrats on the loss and keep up the great work.

BizBuzz said...

Great start! How did you get that graph in there? How cool is that?