Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day 32

yesterday - 206.5-207
Today - 205.5

1-1.5 lbs.

Now that's what I'm talking about! Finally out the funk! I only had 3 apples yesterday. I didn't feel like eating more. I thought I would be really hungry only having to eat apples but it was the opposite.

And today I felt normal. Not much hunger. a few Cravings, but no hunger. and those cravings lasted for 2 minutes literally. I've only had a bottle of water. I can probably try and drink half a gallon now until I go to bed (I've done it before) but I know that will register as a gain or a stall tomorrow. It usually does. But I really need to get back to drinking my water. I guess that's all I have to report for now. I'm really noticing a difference in my shoulders and collar bone. They square off more and aren't as "plump". Awesomeness.

Something I wanna change: I try to eat my meals at a certain time whether I'm hungry or not, just to keep a steady schedule. But I think from now on I'm just going to eat when I'm hungry. honestly sometimes I don't feel like eating two meals, but I still have this notion in my mind that I have to eat something because we all learn that skipping meals is a bad thing. But, on this protocol it isn't an issue, because what I forget is that the body is being flooded with the release of our fat storages. And this is what I want to get in to the habit of doing. Only eating when I'm hungry. It's weird. On the apple day when I ate only when I was hungry I only had 3 apples. Today I ate according to a schedule and I still had some cravings between meals, even though they'd quickly disappear. So I wonder if it's a physical or mental thing? One thing this protocol has let me do is be more in tuned with my body and I notice a lot of things about myself. I tell you though I'm eager to do my second round and compare the differences.


beachbrights said...

Awesome! Thanks for the insight and the thoughtfulness of your post. I enjoyed reading and seeing you "grow" before my very eyes! I feel like a proud Mama! I too, toward the end of my P2 only "ate" when I was hungry. At first, I was on this strict schedule of 4-5 little meals a day, then toward the end I actually started listening to my body and I ate only when my body needed me to. It was empowering!

Way to go...Great Loss. Thanks for the report on your "apple day".

BizBuzz said...

Wow! I love reading this stuff! This is great!!! Tuning in to our bodies, don't you think it's about flippin time we did that? Listen to our bodies??? Being in tune to what it says instead of what everyone else tells it it should say? OMG! What a concept!

You are doing great, thanks for the update on the apple day.