Saturday, November 3, 2007


Day 1 (loading day) - 226 lbs.
Day 2 (loading day) - 227 lbs. /+1
Day 3 (start VLCD) - 231.5/ +4.5
Day 4 - 227 lbs. /-4.5
Day 5 - 223.5 /-3.5
Day 6 - 220.5 /-3
Day 7 - 219.5 /-1
Day 8 Today - 218 /-1.5 (skip day)

I'm starting to wonder if I should keep adding these updates every post. Eventually it's going to get long. But it's so good to keep seeing my results! I decided to make Saturday my skip day since I like to sleep in and NOT wake up before 7am thank you.

I was playing tennis with my mom and she made an interesting comment. She noticed I kept spitting on the court and finally she said jokingly, "Why do you keep spitting? What are you pregnant or something!?!" LOL, I didn't know pregnant women spat, or produced extra saliva. But I'm not active like that so I'm not pregnant which leaves the hcg. Intriguing.

Today I wasn't hungry at all. I had half of a grapefruit in the morning with vanilla creme stevia which taste really good by the way. For lunch I made a burger without the bun, just a melba toast. I know someone told me that American ground beef is not good on this diet, but I don't plan on eating anything else for today, as I'm just not hungry enough.

I've been feeling the brain fog again today, and I think I have the slightest headache. I've been told potassium should help so I'll be getting that at my health food store.

I bought a water jug at Walmart for $2-3 and it's perfect for this diet as it holds half a gallon of liquid so I know exactly how much to drink every day, plus I can take it around with me.

1 comment:

Amie said...

LOL Eventually it will get rather long, but if that's how you want to do it, then go for it! I personally like my ticker and graph, but to each his/her own. ;)

Ha ha! How funny your mom would say that! Must be the hcg. I guess I didn't notice if we were producing more saliva... but now I'll think about it every time I feel like spitting.

That is one popular water jug. :) We have two more exactly like that! It is very handy.

Happy losing!